A Kabbalistic Remedy for Anger
Shalom friends 💙
Rabbi Akiva teaches that a fence for wisdom is silence🔕 (Avot 3:13). Let’s apply this teaching to protect ourselves from the harmfulness of anger 😡
Shalom friends 💙
Rabbi Akiva teaches that a fence for wisdom is silence🔕 (Avot 3:13). Let’s apply this teaching to protect ourselves from the harmfulness of anger 😡
I love learning about how to be more productive and wow, do I love Shabbat. These two realms, of work and rest, are two sides of the same coin. Please learn with me how to work harder and Shabbat harder in your own life, so that you can get more done, while feeling less stress and burnout.
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B"H Shalom friends 💙
I want to share with you a Jewish mindfulness meditation practice, that is short, easy and full of heart and soul. Please come take a few breaths with me!
Check out this Jewish prayer to go along with it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rr19izUFbR4JENjXcM5aU8RnWqTzFsq1/view?usp=sharing
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B"H Shalom friends 💙 I want to share a crucial idea and way of living for anyone who wants to immediately improve their own lives, the lives of the Jewish people, and ultimately the entire world.
It is connected to an incredible initiative that is running in Toronto and worldwide, called Clean Speech. Please learn with me and join the movement!
Check out Clean Speech and sign up for 30 days of learning! https://cleanspeech.com/toronto/
Here is the workbook: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FHSTpKVw50ZPGc6Nio-qs2rm5G3CfWUb/view
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One year ago in the Jewish calendar, there was a massacre on one of the ultimate days of joy and dance in our tradition. Our Slogan of response has been “we will dance again.” And again is now; we will dance now! Please come learn with me a new melody and choreography for a Jewish life of joy. Chag Sameach!
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Come learn an idea that will strengthen your love and connection to Yom Kippur and give you a fuller understanding of what we can accomplish on this awesome day.
Click HERE for the Positive Vidui resource!
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If you want to have a deeper connection to the sounds of the Shofar, this episode will direct your heart and mind into the soul of this ancient practice, and strengthen the core of your Jewish identity.
ps (Forgive me for accidentally mixing up during editing, the Shevarim and Teruah!)
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What is the core principle that animates all of Judaism and the Torah? One answer will surprise you and in the process, help guide you towards living a better, more meaningful and wholesome life.
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If you want to make positive changes in life, it is not always best to keep it to yourself. This newest episode discusses the value of sharing your commitments with others, and how it can deepen your connection and increase your follow-through.
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In this video, you will learn one of the most important tools I use in my clinical practice to enable personal growth, containing a key to keeping your commitments.
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