The Jewish Encounter with Greek Life

Antiochus sought to impose a worldview where the physical world was disconnected from any divine or spiritual purpose. 

To him, there was no room for the idea that the material and spiritual are interconnected-that the physical world itself reflects the infinite light of Hashem ✨.

The Jewish story stands in direct opposition to this notion. 

It is a story of bridging the seen and unseen, of recognizing that the source of all existence is transcendent yet present in every detail of creation. 

We see this so clearly in the way Judaism emphasizes sanctifying the physical, transforming mundane actions into acts of divine connection and meaning.

Chanukah reminds us that light, even a small flicker, has the power to illuminate profound truths: 

that the physical world isn’t separate from Hashem’s light but is an expression of it. 

This is our story, and it continues to shine through the ages

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Should Jews Hide Their Chanukah Candles?


**It is deeply sad when the darkness of Jewish hate leads to the hiding of Jewish light. Regardless of how public we are with our Judaism, we must continue to shine our light, at least for ourselves and our families. **

We must keep the Aish Tamid, the eternal flame burning 🔥**. **

Shabbat Shalom

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A Jewish Mindfulness Mantra to Help You Live in the Present


I want to share with you 3 special words that can pull you away from the world of distraction and disconnection, and bring you back to the gift of the present moment, where Hashem’s presence is truly found.

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Shabbat Shalom is More Than a Greeting


Friends 💙

On the surface, Shabbat Shalom is a warm and polite greeting on our holy day of rest. But it is so much more profound. Shabbat Shalom is a springboard towards accessing deeper levels of serenity and tranquillity. It creates a calmness that can warmly envelop your Soul and bring an end to argumentation. Shabbat Shalom 💕

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The Best Way to Be a Jewish Influencer


Shalom friends 💙

While preparing this video, I saw a beautiful short story from Jewish Educational Media (JEM) about the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt’l.

In conversation with a couple who asked how they can ensure that their children grow up to be moral and righteous individuals, the Rebbe replied: 

“You and your wife must act that way at home and show your kids an example of how you would like them to act. If you teach one way but act otherwise, they won't learn anything.”

This video is a commentary on that story and I hope it teaches a key on how to be a Jewish influencer.💕

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A Jewish Acronym to Brighten Your Eyes


Shalom friends 💙

I want to share a beautiful, meaningful and memorable Jewish acronym based on one of the most famous words in Lashon Hakodesh, Hebrew.

I hope you can absorb it into your heart and soul, and most importantly, your eyes

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In Judaism, a New Month is a New Moment


Today, the months of the secular and Jewish calendars line up. 

Let’s use this as an opportunity to learn about a month's power in Jewish time and how it can help us live better lives. 

Each month is a moment for a new beginning!

Chodesh Tov💕

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A Two-Second Mitzvah for Every Single Person


Reb Shlomo used to say: “You have to greet every human being in the world. It is absolutely forbidden to walk on the street and ignore a human being passing by.”

This isn’t cute advice, but comes from a Halacha, a law in Judaism. And it is a small gesture, that makes a world of a difference.

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A Spiritual Response to Anti-Semitism


Beyond the pain and calling out hatred, what is the Jewish response to the horrible anti-Semitism we are seeing across the world?

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A Jew is Incomplete Without Israel


What Shabbat is to time, the Land of Israel is to space for the Jewish people. Just like a world without Shabbat is incomprehensible to our faith, so too is a world without Israel. Neither of these two are optional, and I hope this video sheds some light on why.

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