Why Do We Fast the Day Before Purim?

1 day ago


Why do we fast before one of the most joyous days of the year?

The Megillah teaches us that before the Jewish people could fight back against Haman’s decree, they first needed to fast—because true victory isn’t just physical, it’s spiritual. Fasting is a form of Tefillah (prayer) and Teshuva (repentance), a way to seek Rachamim (heavenly mercy) and reconnect to our source of joy—Torah and Simcha.

As we prepare for Purim, we tap into this deep connection, knowing that true joy comes from light, faith, and unity. May this be the last fast our nation ever needs, and may this Purim, leading into Shabbos, bring the ultimate Geulah—a world of peace, love, and eternal Shabbos. ✨

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