Calm Speech will Dissipate Anger


When feeling angry, instead of reacting impulsively, you might choose to respond calmly and thoughtfully.

This approach aligns with the Torah’s teaching that ‘a soft answer settles rage,’ highlighting the power of measured responses in diffusing anger.

By practicing opposite action, you can gain greater control over your emotional responses and communicate your needs more effectively.

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Don't Eat Too Much Before Shabbat


Did you know there’s a halacha about Friday meals before Shabbat?

The goal is to avoid heavy meals too close to Shabbat so we can come to the Shabbat table with appetite and excitement.

Instead, the Mishnah Berurah recommends tasting the Shabbat foods earlier in the day and that way enhancing both our anticipation and awareness of the Shabbat experience.

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How Can I Stay Grounded


Just like nature connects us to creation, the Torah connects us to eternity.

By studying the weekly parsha, we root ourselves in something unshakable.

Reconnect with creation and timeless wisdom.

Spend time in nature to nourish your body, and study Torah to nourish your soul.

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The Mystical Dimensions of a Hostage Release


According to Rabbi Nachman the Jewish mystical teachings connect freeing hostages with the blessing of children and building faithful homes.

In this powerful insight, Rebbe Nachman teaches that helping to release hostages is a sacred responsibility, one shared even by the greatest of leaders.

The hope?

That those freed can rebuild their lives, create trusting families, and bring us closer to redemption.

A beautiful reminder of the power of compassion and action to shape our world.

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The Warmth of Having Shabbat Guests


Hospitality isn’t just about opening your home—it’s about opening your heart.

On the Sabbath, we have the chance to warm not only bodies but souls, sharing connection, love, and belonging.

Hosting guests isn’t a favor; it’s a gift we all share. 🌟

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The Faith of Jews in the Security of Israel

B"H What keeps the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel so strong? 

Despite every challenge, we hold fast to the divine promise in Leviticus that we will dwell securely and in peace.

It’s more than hope—it’s the foundation of our faith. May we see this promise come to life soon. 🇮🇱✨ Hashtags: #jewish #zionism #Israel #faith #challenge #peace #jewishconnection #landofisrael #promise #foundation #jewishwisdom #jewishland #Eretzyisrael

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A Blessing to Contain the Emotions of the Hostage Deal

B"H Emotions are running high as we approach the hostage deal. The morning blessing, ‘Who frees the imprisoned,’ has a profound meaning today. Let’s pray with extra Kavana today for the hostages being reunited with their families.

But for the families of those who are not coming home, the pain remains unimaginable. This moment is bittersweet, a blend of relief and heartache, hope and grief.

We hold space for every life impacted and pray for a future where no more lives are torn apart, no more hostages taken, and healing and salvation can begin for all.

May we see the day when peace and redemption become the reality for all of Am Yisrael and the world. #hostage #hostagedeal #amyisrael #israel #pray #daven #redemption #peace #hope #blessing #pain #hashem #jewish

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Stop doom-scrolling and try this instead


Pause. Breathe. Pray. 

Amid the chaos,

let’s lift our eyes and hearts to heaven. 

Take a moment to recite Psalm 121 and bring light into the darkness. Together, we can balance action with faith. 

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How Can You Turn Hobbies into a Habit?


Here is the secret to lasting habits!

Treat them as both an obligation and a joy. 

Transforming hobbies into lasting habits starts with a shift in mindset. 

By embracing the Jewish wisdom of ‘chiyuv’ (obligation) and ‘chiba’ (affection),  we learn to treat the things we love with the same importance as our duties. 

When we approach our passions with both commitment and care, they become an integral part of our lives.

#JewishWisdom #mindfulliving #habits #obligation #jewish#judaism #spirituality #wisdom #personalgrowth #hashem#torah #hobbiestohabits

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What is the Soul of Being a Leader

B"H True leadership begins with seeing the pain of others and taking action. 

Moses taught us that true leaders see the pain of others and act to ease it. 

Our duty is to step up and make a difference.

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