One God, One People

B”H Parshat Naso

Torah thoughts of the week…One God, One People

Please see HERE my latest class on the Ten Commandments about free will and making positive life changes.

Music and theme song written & performed by the super talented Yaakov Wasilewicz. Produced by Eitan Katz To hear the full song you can visit this link

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel, with more meaningful content.

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Bringing Torah to Life

B”H Parshat Bamidbar, Shavuot and Jerusalem Day

Torah thoughts of the week…Bringing Torah to Life

Please see HERE my latest class on the Ten Commandments about free will and making positive life changes.

Music and theme song written & performed by the super talented Yaakov Wasilewicz. Produced by Eitan Katz To hear the full song you can visit this link

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel, with more meaningful content.

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Jerusalem is Our Heart

B”H Jerusalem Day

Torah thoughts of the week…Jerusalem is Our Heart

Music and theme song written & performed by the super talented Yaakov Wasilewicz. Produced by Eitan Katz To hear the full song you can visit this link

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel, with more meaningful content.

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Moving with Our Torah

B”H Parshat Bechukotai

Torah thoughts of the week…Moving with Our Torah

Click HERE for Sefaria

Music and theme song written & performed by the super talented Yaakov Wasilewicz. Produced by Eitan Katz To hear the full song you can visit this link

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel, with more meaningful content.

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Learning from the Cave

B”H Parshat Behar

Torah thoughts of the week…Learning from the Cave

See the Rebbe Shimon story here

Music and theme song written & performed by the super talented Yaakov Wasilewicz. Produced by Eitan Katz To hear the full song you can visit this link

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel, with more meaningful content.

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Being a Kiddush Hashem

B”H Parshat Emor

Torah thoughts of the week…Being a Kiddush Hashem

See here for the article on two Jews befriending a white nationalist

Music and theme song written & performed by the super talented Yaakov Wasilewicz. Produced by Eitan Katz To hear the full song you can visit this link

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel, with more meaningful content.

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Holy Peace

B”H Parshat Kedoshim Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut

Torah thoughts of the week…Holy Peace

Music and theme song written & performed by the super talented Yaakov Wasilewicz. Produced by Eitan Katz To hear the full song you can visit this link

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel, with more meaningful content.

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Remembering to Forgive

B”H Parshat Acharei Mot and Yom Hashoah

Torah thoughts of the week…Remembering to Forgive

Music and theme song written & performed by the super talented Yaakov Wasilewicz. Produced by Eitan Katz To hear the full song you can visit this link

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel, with more meaningful content.

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Seizing This Day

B”H 7th Day of Pesach

Torah thoughts of the week…Seizing This Day

Music and theme song written & performed by the super talented Yaakov Wasilewicz. Produced by Eitan Katz To hear the full song you can visit this link

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel, with more meaningful content.

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Keep Asking Questions

B”H Pesach

Torah thoughts of the week…Keep Asking Questions

Music and theme song written & performed by the super talented Yaakov Wasilewicz. Produced by Eitan Katz To hear the full song you can visit this link

Click here to visit my YouTube Channel, with more meaningful content.

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